Your Shortest Speech

When we are asked to give a speech, we understand the importance of public speaking and so we generally plan on talking for somewhere between 30 and 60 minutes depending on the venue. However, that is not always the case. In fact, there is one type of speech that we may be called on to … Read more

Become A Better Speaker By Giving 3 Other Types Of Speeches

I think that I’m on safe ground if I say that we’d all like to find a way to become a better public speaker. Every time that we take the stage there is that moment just before we start our speech where a thought runs through our head. It says, “it’s too late now, but … Read more

Apps For Speakers: Which Ones Are Best For You?

Welcome to the 21st Century! Even as we enter into what appears to be an almost all-digital age, it turns out that the art of being able to give a speech to an audience is still in high demand and people still appreciate the importance of public speaking. What we need to learn how to … Read more

How To Move Beyond PowerPoint For Visual Aids

In most cases, when we give a speech we like to show up with some visual aids. When it comes time to make visual aids, I am more than willing to admit that I’ll turn to PowerPoint and get busy. Why not? I know how to use PowerPoint and I must have made about a … Read more

Get Your Audience’s Attention By Bragging, Just Don’t Be A Jerk About It

As a speaker, we have an obligation when we are starting our speech to find a way to use the importance of public speaking to capture our audience’s attention. What we need to do is to convince them that what we are about to tell them is actually important enough for them to spend the … Read more

How A Speaker Can Break Through And Connect With Their Audience

We give speeches for a very specific reason. We want to be able to change lives – that’s what the importance of public speaking is all about. I’m pretty sure that we all share the same dream. We want to take the stage, share our speech with our audience, and then have them leave the … Read more

What’s The Best Way To Get Your Audience To Love Your Idea?

The reason that we give speeches is because we believe in the importance of public speaking and we have something that we want to share with our audience. It is our hope that because of the time, energy, and effort that we’ve put into creating, practicing, and delivering our speech our audience will understand what … Read more

Tips For How To Get Your Ideas To Spread

Creating, practicing, and delivering a speech is not an easy thing to do. However, as long as we are going to the effort of doing such a thing there has to be a reason. There has to be some sort of motivation greater than the importance of public speaking for us to make the effort, … Read more