A Speech Without Enthusiasm Is Not Really A Speech

As speakers, we believe in the importance of public speaking and we want the next speech that we give to be well received by our audience. Our constant challenge is finding ways to make this happen. We’ll spend a lot of time trying to get our words right, our PowerPoint slides right, and we might … Read more

Creating A Speech That Works From The Ground Up

When you are asked to give a speech, what is the first thing that you do when you sit down to create the speech? Do you spend time thinking about the overall body the speech that you want to give? Do you focus on how you’ll want to wrap things up? Does your mind go … Read more

Designing The Perfect Speech

Hmm, “the perfect speech”, so just exactly what would that be? First off, it would be a speech that we would feel confident in giving – we’d take the stage and because of the importance of public speaking we would confidently tell our speech without ever losing our way. Our audience would be hanging on … Read more

First Things First: How To Start A Speech

Creating a speech is something that I think that all of us put a lot of time into because we understand the importance of public speaking. When we’ve been asked to make a presentation, we take our responsibility seriously and we try to do all of the things that we know that we should do: … Read more

A Different Way To Do Presentations: Prezi

Every presentation that we give is an opportunity for us to use the importance of public speaking tocapture our audience’s imagination and get them to believe in whatever we are telling them about. However, making this happen seems to becoming harder and harder. I’m not sure why, but the arrival of cell phones with big … Read more

How To Make Your Next Speech Unforgettable

In order for the effort that we put into creating and delivering a speech to all be worth it, we need to get something out of the presentation. Yes, if you are being paid to speak, then you are getting something, but even then we speakers want more. What we want is for our audience … Read more

The Power Of Contrast In Your Next Speech

One of my favorite experts in the world of making presentations is lady named Nancy Duarte. She runs a company called Duarte Inc which specializes in helping presenters get their message across using great visuals and she really understands the importance of public speaking. The company’s biggest claim to fame so far is that they … Read more

Speakers Need To Learn To Put More Of Themselves Into Each Speech

As speakers we understand the importance of public speaking and so we want the time and energy that we put into creating and delivering a speech to be worth something. There are a lot of different ways to measure just exactly how effective a speech that we give is, but it’s ultimately our ability to … Read more