How To Become A Better Speaker

I’m pretty sure that we’d all like to find ways to become a better speaker. It turns out that this speaking stuff is actually quite hard to do. Sure, we practice creating the best speech that we can, we stand in front of a mirror for hours rehearsing how we’re going to deliver our speech, … Read more

What Do You Need To Know Before You Give A Presentation?

Congratulations! You understand the importance of public speaking and so you’ve been asked to give a speech. Oh, wait. Just exactly what are you going to be talking about? Who will you be talking to? Where is all of this going to be taking place? Clearly there are a number of different questions that you … Read more

Using A Systems Approach To Create Presentations

So just exactly how do you go about creating a presentation when you’ve been asked to give a speech? All too often we forget about the importance of public speaking and go about creating presentations in a haphazard manner that is more hit-or-miss than planned. The results generally show that this is what we did. … Read more

How To Run A Meeting That Has Speakers

In all of the time and effort that we put into creating and preparing to present a speech, all too often we don’t spend enough time thinking about the one key feature that may have a very big impact on how our speech goes: the quality of the meeting that we’ll be speaking at. It … Read more

Designing The Perfect Speech

Hmm, “the perfect speech”, so just exactly what would that be? First off, it would be a speech that we would feel confident in giving – we’d take the stage and because of the importance of public speaking we would confidently tell our speech without ever losing our way. Our audience would be hanging on … Read more

What Happens To Your Speech When You’re Done Talking?

Creating a speech is hard work. You take the time to understand who you will be talking to, what they want you to talk about, and how long you’ll have to talk. You then craft a fantastic opening line, outline a speech that will allow you to make whatever point you want to make, and … Read more

How To Give A Speech When You Are Not The One Doing The Talking

They say that the world is getting smaller. I tend to believe that they are correct. However, there are still a lot of differences between here and there. When it comes to giving speeches, what this means is that there is a very good chance that at some point in the future you are going … Read more