SMART Goal Setting Tips For Those Of Us Who Give Presentations

So you’ve given a few presentations (or maybe you’ve give a lot of ’em). You feel relatively comfortable when you stand in front of a group of people and talk. You may not really like doing this, but you are reasonably sure that you are not going to faint or burst into flames while you … Read more

Lights, Camera, TV Presentation? 4 Tips For Speaking On Television

Perhaps you have managed to overcome your fear of speaking to groups of people. Maybe you even have developed ways to deal with difficult questions and keep a presentation on track no matter what happens while you are speaking. However, are you ready to take your skills to that ultimate broadcast medium – television? Probably … Read more

Presentation Challenge: How To Successfully Talk To Teens – And Survive!

Anytime we speak in public it can be a challenge that gets our heart racing and causes us to start to sweat. However, if you really want to take the stress up a notch, then just try talking to a group of teens and watch your heart either start to beat double time or just … Read more

10 Tips For Little Presentations (Or Presentations To Little People)

So I’m not so sure that that title is clear, but basically what I’m talking about is delivering presentations to young people. I’m talking about elementary school age folks. Like 5-11 years old. Maybe the toughest crowd that you’ll ever have to face! I come up against this tough customer at least once a year … Read more