Speaker Meet Your New Best Friend: The Lectern

As a speaker, almost every speech that you give will be different from the speech that you gave last time. However, there is one thing that will be common from speech to speech – you’ll probably find yourself standing behind a lectern. This means that you’re going to have to learn how to use this … Read more

Many To One: The Secret To Giving A Great Speech

Here’s a thought for you to consider before you start your next speech: where is your audience coming from? Yes, yes I realize that they may have traveled a great distance (or not) to come sit in your audience in order to hear your speech. However, that’s not what I’m talking about. Instead, what I’m … Read more

New Book: Secrets To Planning The Perfect Speech

Dr. Jim Anderson explores what public speakers have to do in order to deliver great speeches. Dr. Anderson uses real-world examples of what works and what doesn’t work when it comes to capturing your audience’s imagination. In order to create and deliver a great speech, you first need to start by planning how you are … Read more

Public Speakers Know That They Have To Color Their Presentations

Congratulations, you’ve been asked to give a speech. Were you thinking about using some PowerPoint or Keynote slides with that presentation? Ok, we all know about the importance of public speaking and so that sounds like a good idea. One quick question about those slides that you’re going to be making – do you know … Read more

How Public Speakers Can Deal With A Lost Train Of Thought

I’m not sure if it’s because I’m getting older or if there is some other reason for it, but more than once when I’ve been about half-way through a speech, I’ve lost my train of thought. I mean it was just there – I knew what I wanted to say and then poof – it … Read more

How Public Speakers Can Give Longer Speeches

When we are first becoming speakers we spend our time trying to master the short speech. It might be a quick presentation during a meeting, an address to a group of workers, or even an executive briefing. This is how we first harness the benefits of public speaking. No matter what the setting is, the … Read more

How To Clear Up A Bad Case Of “The Blanks”

That memory of ours can be a fickle thing. One moment we know exactly what we’re going to say next because we’ve practiced it 100 times, and then the next moment we’re drawing a complete blank – we can’t remember what we wanted to say for the life of us. As a public speaker, this … Read more

How Twitter Can Help You To Become A Better Public Speaker

Quick question for you: what’s the best way to guarantee that the next speech that you give will be a great speech? The answer, of course, is to give the speech before you have to give it and use that as a chance to work out all of the bugs. It’s the ability to share … Read more

5 Tips For How A Public Speaker Should Handle A Holiday Toast

It is never too early to start planning on what you’re going to be saying in public during the next holiday season. More often than not, there will be gatherings of friends, family, or perhaps coworkers. When a group of people get together, there is always a desire to wish each other good luck. The … Read more