Speakers Learn To Make Tasty Speeches By Adding Just The Right Spices

What will your audience remember longer: your next speech or a great meal that they’ve just had? I hate to admit it, but I’m willing to bet that despite the importance of public speaking, the meal has a better chance to stay on their mind than our speeches. Why is that? Could it be that … Read more

Public Speakers Need To Learn How To Cut The Fat Out Of Their Next Speech

If there is one thing in the world that all of us would probably like to do it’s to lose some weight. No matter if it’s just a few pounds or a whole bunch, we’d all like to be just a bit smaller than we are right now. What’s interesting about this is that there … Read more

How A Speaker Can Make Sure That Their Next Speech Will Be Remembered

Every time we give a speech we always have one big hope: that our audience is able to remember what we tell them. After all, isn’t that what the importance of public speaking is all about? This is a great goal to have; however, it does not always happen. Instead, once we are done talking, … Read more

How Speakers Can Use Their Audience’s Senses To Create An Unforgettable Speech

There you are: you’ve got an important message to get across to your next audience, you’ve put a great deal of time and effort into creating your speech, and yet you don’t think that it’s going to work. Why not? The short answer is that the speech that you’ve created is not unforgettable. Sure, your … Read more

How To Sell Your Next Audience On Your Idea

Not every speech is the same. In fact, every speech that we give is different from all of the speeches that came before it. However, each of our speeches will fall into one of four different categories: instruction, demonstration, motivational, or humorous. When you have an idea that you want your audience to support, it’s … Read more

How To Give A 25 Second Speech (Speech Included)

I had an opportunity to attend the IEEE USA annual meeting which was held in Portland, Oregon this year. I was there because I was going to be receiving an award. Now I always like to receive awards; however, just before I left to travel to Portland I got an email that explained the details … Read more

Acting Lessons Help Us To Become Better Public Speakers

As public speakers, it can be very easy for us to become nervous or upset about our next speech despite our understanding of the importance of public speaking. This can happen at any time, even to experienced speakers. The big question is what can we do about it? It turns out that one solution has … Read more

Break Glass In Case Of Speech

In a perfect world, we would always be given plenty of time to prepare for our next speech. However, you and I don’t live in a perfect world and that means that because of the importance of public speaking all too often the opportunity to give a speech will just suddenly show up. My question … Read more

Good Public Speakers Are Really Good Models

In order to become a better public speaker than you are right now, just exactly what do you have to do? If you are like most of us, you probably said “become more like…” and named a famous public speaker that you admire. Well guess what, that person is going to help you to reach … Read more

What Public Speakers Can Learn From TED Talks

Talk about great speeches! I’m going to assume that you already know about the world famous TED talks: it’s where people are invited to come and give an 18 minute speech about something that has to do with Technology, Entertainment, or Design (i.e. TED). TED conferences remind us about the importance of public speaking. The … Read more