Everything You Need to Do After Car Crashes

Everything You Need to Do After Car Crashes

As speakers, we can never be certain what the next speech that we’ll be asked to present will be. There may be circumstances that we’ll be asked to talk to an audience that has just experienced a life changing event. In those cases, we need to make sure that we take the time to do … Read more

Secrets To Moderating A Panel Session

The best panel sessions are the ones where good ideas are exchanged

The best panel sessions are the ones where good ideas are exchangedImage Credit: NHS Confederation As speakers, we are seen as being skillful at all types of speeches. Although we may generally see speaking as writing a speech and then getting up on a stage and delivering that speech, it turns out that due to … Read more

How A Speaker Can Become A Speechwriter

If you give speeches, then you are qualified to write speeches

So you are a speaker. Congratulations. What’s your next step now? Have you ever thought about writing speeches for somebody else? I mean, you can write a pretty good speech for yourself, why not do it for somebody else? You might decide to do this simply because you are a nice person and you want … Read more

The Problem With Allowing Fake News Into Your Speech

Fake news can make your whole speech fake

Fake news can make your whole speech fakeImage Credit: Scott The reason that an audience will come to listen to what you have to say in your next speech is that they understand the importance of public speaking and they hope to learn something new. The thinking is that you have had an experience, done … Read more

How To Give A Speech That Will Connect With Your Audience

What do you have to do to make your next speech really work?

Let’s face it – sometimes our speeches just don’t “click” with our audience. We get up there, we deliver our speech, they hear what we have to say, but nobody is moved. Nobody is motivated. We really have not changed the world by giving this speech. We’ve not been able to show this audience the … Read more

How To Impress Your Next Audience

Yes, your audience heard you, but were they impressed?

Let’s face it – you are not the first presenter your audience has ever seen. In fact, they have probably seen lots of other presenters. However, you would like to be able to use the importance of public speaking to become the presenter that your audience remembers. You’d like this to happen if you are … Read more

Mastering The TED Talk

To do well, you need tips on how to be successful at TED

So of course, the first question is do you know what a TED talk is? I would suspect that most of us do by now. TED is an acronym that stands for technology, entertainment, and design. There is one big TED event each year at which all sorts of famous people come and present to … Read more

How Can You Write A Speech So That It Can Be Spoken?

Speakers need to understand how to get from page to stage

I’m hoping that we can all agree that in this world in which we live in, there are three types of writers out there. There are the writers who are able to write for the spoken word, writers who are able to write for the written word, and writers who are just flat out bad … Read more

What To Do When Your Mind Goes Blank

What to do when you can't think of what you want to say next

Let’s face it – because of the importance of public speaking, giving a speech involves a great deal of stress. This stress has a way of affecting each of us differently. However, there is one thing that can happen to any of us – our minds can go blank at exactly the wrong point in … Read more