Use Humor To Connect With Your Audience

If you can connect with your audience, then you can get them to laugh

Speakers know that there is power in laughter. If we hear our audience laughing (with us) then it will provide us with a sense of confidence. Everyone likes to hear it when an audience starts to laugh after you have gotten done delivering the punchline of your joke. This is exactly what it takes to … Read more

Speakers Learn How To Deal With The Challenge Of Remote Presentations

Keeping your remote audience engaged can be a real challenge

The world that we live in continues to change all around us. As speakers, what this means is that more and more often when we are asked to deliver a speech there is a good chance that our audience may not be sitting in front of us. Instead, they may be remotely located. When we … Read more

Are Speakers Ready For The Arrival Of New Technologies?

Will we be able to use new technologies to make more of an impact?

As speakers we need to understand the importance of public speaking and that that we are living in a constantly changing world. What this means is that how we used to give speeches is now changing and that means that we need to learn how to change with the times. A good example of what … Read more

Is It Time To Get A Speaking Mentor?

In order to get a mentor, you have to become someone they would want to work with

Every speaker eventually reaches a point where they are the best that they can be. They’ve reached a point where their skills and their knowledge can no longer take them to the next level in speaking. All too often speakers just stop here – they will never get any better. However, it does not have … Read more

What You Can Learn From A Speech Failure

When we fail at speaking, the experience can make us a better speaker

I’d like to be able to tell you that because of the importance of public speaking, every speech that you give will be a big success. The reality is that this is not the case. In fact, some speeches that you end up giving might even be classified as being a failure. What’s a speaker … Read more

How Can You Give A Speech That Works Across Cultures?

Let’s face it, giving a speech is hard work. You decide what message you want to convey to your audience, you write out a speech, you practice it, and then on the big day you summon up your courage and, because you realize the importance of public speaking, you deliver it as best you can. … Read more

How A Speaker Can Help Others To Become Better

Speakers have an obligation to help others to become better speakers

Let’s face it. The world is filled with a lot of people who are not very good speakers. We have a chance to hear these people speak all the time. Since we have become at least comfortable with speaking if not pretty good at it, what all of this means is that because of the … Read more

How To Become A Paid Professional Public Speaker

We need to listen to the experts if we want to make speaking a career

This speaking stuff is actually quite hard to do. As with all such things in life, if it is hard to do then there must be people who understand the importance of public speaking and are willing to pay you to do it. Right? The answer to this question turns out to be “yes”. Once … Read more

Becoming A Better Speaker Through Improv

Doing improv is one way that speakers can become better

So the question is do you want to become a better public speaker? If the answer to this question is “yes”, then the next question has to be “how?” It turns out that there are a lot of different answers to this question and some of them work, and some don’t. Through trial and error … Read more

How Speakers Can Stop Using Filler Words

Audience’s want a speech without a lot of filler

I bet that your next speech is going to be great! You’ve got an exciting topic, your audience wants to hear what you have to say, and you’ve created a speech that virtually crackles with great content. However, you can still blow this speech and take away from the importance of public speaking. If instead … Read more