How To Be A Great Speaker In The Digital Age

Welcome to the digital age! I’m pretty sure that by now just about all of us have one of those fancy smartphones in our pocket or purse. The world around us has definably changed and as speakers, we need to change with it. When I’m working with speakers who are just starting out, I’m always … Read more

Three Pieces Make A Whole: The Art Of Creating A Speech That Works

When we are asked to give a speech, generally speaking our hearts start to beat just a little bit faster. We’re excited about being asked to share information that we know, and yet at the same time we dread the effort that is going to go into getting ready to give that speech because we … Read more

The Best Way To Map Out Your Next Speech

Have you ever been asked to give a complicated speech? These are the speeches that have a lot of different ideas that all need to be covered if you want to have any chance of allowing your audience to understand the point that you are trying to make. When you sit down to create a … Read more

Bad Things Happen And Speakers Need To Know How To Deal With Them

Let’s face it – speaking in public is a risky undertaking. Sure, we practice and we prepare; however, that doesn’t mean that despite the importance of public speaking things can’t still happen while we are giving our speech. Since we don’t run the world (yet!), as speakers we need to realize that we live in … Read more

How You Can Become More Creative When You Create Speeches

The next time that I create a speech, because I know about the importance of public speaking, I want it to be the best speech that I’ve ever made. In order for this to happen, I’m going to have to be creative. This is where a bit of a challenge comes in – I’m not … Read more

How To Train Your Brain To Create Great Speeches

Oh the thrill of being asked to give a speech! You come home all a twitter, thinking about the great things that you are planning on sharing with this audience. You can almost see them now, you’ve just finished your speech and because of the importance of public speaking they are standing up and clapping. … Read more

How We Can Train Our Brain By Giving Speeches?

I, for one, would like to have a bigger brain. However, unlike deciding that I want to have bigger muscles, I don’t think that there is a “brain gym” anywhere near to where I live. What this means is that if I want to grow and develop my mental capabilities, then I’m going to have … Read more

The Power Of Adding A Song To Your Next Speech

Let me be honest with you: I cannot sing. Nope, not a note. If I started singing, you’d start to leave the room. However, just because I can’t sing does not mean that you should not be considering adding a song or two to your next speech. We generally don’t think of speaking and singing … Read more

What Should You NOT Do With Your Hands When Giving A Speech?

Those darn hands of yours – whatever are we going to do with them? During your speech they can either help you to make your point by boosting the importance of public speaking or they can get in your way and act as a distraction for your audience. As speakers we can often find a … Read more

All About Those Hands – How To Use Gestures In Your Next Speech

When I’m working with speakers who want to become better, one of the questions that always seems to come up has to do with hands. Specifically, what they want to know is what should they be doing with their hands during a speech. I think that we all understand that if we’re not careful, our … Read more