Everything Is Better When You Do It As A Group!

Group presentations require a different type of speech preparation

By now I’m pretty sure that most of us are somewhat comfortable with the concept of giving a speech by ourselves. Yes, it can be a very nerve racking thing to do, but over time we get used to the process of understanding the importance of public speaking and accepting the opportunity, creating a speech, … Read more

How To Give A Good Group Presentation

Your goal has to be to deliver a cohesive group presentation

When it comes time to deliver a presentation, we don’t always do it alone. Sometimes we are called upon to participate in a group presentation. These can be tricky to do correctly. No matter who the presentation is going to be given to, we need to realize that the most important thing about the presentation … Read more

How Speakers Can Seduce Their Audience

If you want to connect with your audience, then you have to start by seducing them

So how do you feel about your audience? Do you like them? Maybe we can take this one step further – do you love them? Do you want them to love you? When you consider the fact that your audience probably has never met you before, this might seem like a bit of a stretch … Read more

How To Speak To A Global Audience

A global audience is very different from your normal audience

As speakers we understand the importance of public speaking and so we tend to spend a lot of time thinking about what we want to say in our next speech. We’ll worry about what words to use, how we should stand when we are on stage, and the importance of making good eye contact with … Read more

Time, Time, Your Next Speech Is All About Time

You only have a limited amount of time to give your next speech

As we are putting together our next speech, we may get caught up in the moment and the importance of public speaking. We have so many great things that we want to share with our audience that we we keep adding more and more content to our speech in order to make sure that we … Read more

What Is The Message Hidden In Your Stories?

Sure your speech has stories, but what is the message that is hidden in them?

Most speakers understand that if they can work a story or two into their next speech they’ll have a better chance of both capturing and holding onto their audience’s attention. What a lot of us don’t realize is that often times the stories that we are so good at telling all have a common theme … Read more

A Different Type Of Story Can Capture An Audience

Personal storytelling might be exactly what your next speech needs

Hopefully by now everyone knows that one of the best ways to tap into the importance of public speaking and make your next speech become more interesting to your audience is to include a story in the speech. We’ve got a lot of different stories that we can draw on: fairy tales, folk tales, legends, … Read more

Custom Comedy Is How A Speaker Makes An Audience Laugh

I don’t think that any of us would disagree with the statement that “humor lends power to any speech.” If we want to make an audience laugh, it’s going to take three different things all working together so that our audience can realize the importance of public speaking. The first is, of course, us – … Read more

How To Run A Meeting That Has Speakers

In all of the time and effort that we put into creating and preparing to present a speech, all too often we don’t spend enough time thinking about the one key feature that may have a very big impact on how our speech goes: the quality of the meeting that we’ll be speaking at. It … Read more

Are You Ready To Participate In A Debate?

If someone came along and asked you to participate in a debate, what would your response be? I think that for most of us, the idea of what a debate looks like is shaped by the presidential debates that we see every four years. The Clinton / Trump debates especially stand out. However, it turns … Read more